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分类: 职场英语 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 04-06

阅读 :571



  May I have your attention, please. I'd like to take a moment to offer my sincere thanks to Bob Mckenzie and Andrea Lloyd of AAA Suppliers.

  As you know, AAA and BBB have inked an agreement to distribute five major BBB brands in Canada. This joint venture is cause to celebrate because it marks BBB's entry into the Canadian appliance market.

  We couldn't have asked for a better business partner. With BBB's groundbreaking appliances and AAA's well-established distribution network, we can both stay one step ahead of the competition.

  I think I speak for all my fellow employees when I say that we at BBB are delighted to be working with an industry leader like AAA. I anticipate nothing but growth for our companies over the next few years.

  请各位注意,我想占用各位一点时间来向AAA家用电器公司的Bob Mckenzie和Andrea Lloyd表达我诚挚的感谢 。





  joint venture 共同投资;合资


  A joint venture with a European company would be the best way to enter the European market.


  couldn't have asked for (对……)不能多求


  I couldn't have asked for a better employee. Richard can do everything!


  distribution network 配销网络;销售网

  这是个行销学上的名词。"Distribution" 分销;在这种制度下,产品必须通过中间商,而非直接由制造者销售到消费者手中。"Distribution network"则指由各地零售商组织起来,所形成的一个销售网络、群体。

  To enter the US market, we need a company with an extensive distribution network.


  one step ahead 领先


  To stay one step ahead of the Japanese computer giants, Taiwan companies consistently research new methods and designs.


  industry leader 业界领导者

  社会上的各行各业都可以称为一种"industry",如"service industry"(服务业),并不是特指“工业”。因此,凡是在某个行业中居领导地位的公司皆可称为该行中的"industry leader"。

  AT&T, an industry leader in American telecommunications, is rapidly expanding into Europe.

  美国通讯业的领导者 AT&T,正迅速地扩展至欧洲市场。



  1. I'd like to take a moment to offer my sincere thanks to Bob Mckenzie of Standard Suppliers.

  2. Allow me to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to Bob Mckenzie of Standard Suppliers.

  3. I'd like to take this time to say thank you to Bob Mckenzie of Standard Suppliers.

  以感谢对方做为演说的开始,这是一种技巧。"I'd like to…"是个很有礼的说法。"Take a moment"表示“占用极短的时间”。"Sincere"则强调“真诚”。这三处用字合力烘托出了你的礼貌与诚挚。


  1. As you know, Standard and Action have inked an agreement to distribute five major Action brands in Canada.

  2. You may already know Standard and Action have inked an agreement to distribute five major Action products in Canada.

  3. As you are well aware, Standard Suppliers has agreed to distribute five major Action products in Canada.

  重申庆功宴的原因是不可避免的。由于这是一件听众都已经知道的事,因此句首应加上"As you know","You may already know"这样的说法。


  1. We couldn't have asked for a better business partner.

  2. We are very fortunate to be in partnership with Standard Suppliers.

  3. It's our great fortune to work with Standard Suppliers.



  1. I think I speak for all my fellow employees when I say that we at Action are delighted to be working with an industry leader like Standard.

  2. I believe my feelings are shared by all of us at Action when I say we are delighted to be working with Standard Suppliers.

  3. Let me express a feeling that is shared by all of us at Action; we are delighted to be working with Standard Suppliers. 以个人及全公司对此次签约成功的兴奋之情作为谈话的结语再恰当不过。



  1. 以客为主: 将席上全体的注意力转移到刚同意合作的对方代表身上。

  2. 庆祝原由: 简要说明庆祝的原由。

  3. 称赞客户: 赞扬对方公司的信誉,成就等。

  4. 乐观做结:代表公司全体同仁表示感谢,并以乐观的期望做结。


  Don't say: "That's not my job."

  Why: If your superior asks you to do something, it is your job。

  Instead say: "I'm not sure that should be my priority right now." Then have a conversation with your boss about your responsibilities。

  不要说"That's not my job."(这不是我分内的事。)只要你的上司让你做,那你就得做。我们可以说"I'm not sure that should be my priority right now."(我不确定现在是否应该先做这事。)然后告诉老板你需要负责哪些。

  Don't say: "This might sound stupid, but…"

  Why: Never undermine your ideas by prefacing your remarks with wishy-washy language。

  Instead say: "What's on your mind?" It reinforces your credibility to present your ideas with confidence。

  不要说"This might sound stupid, but…"(也许这听上去有点愚昧,但是……)永远不要在发言前加上这种优柔寡断的前缀来削弱自己的观点。可以说"What's on your mind?"(你怎么认为?)这样可以增强你的可信度,让你充满自信地发表意见。

  Don't say: "I don't have time to talk to you."

  Why: It's plain rude, in person or on the phone。

  Instead say: "I'm just finishing something up right now. Can I come by when I'm done?" Graciously explain why you can't talk now, and suggest catching up at an appointed time later. Let phone calls go to voice mail until you can give callers your undivided attention。

  不要说"I don't have time to talk to you."(我没时间跟你说。)无论是当面说还是在电话里说,这话都是相当粗鲁的。我们可以说"I'm just finishing something up right now. Can I come by when I'm done?"(我现在正忙着要完成一些事情,等我做完了再来找你行吗?)礼貌地向别人解释为什么现在不行,并且提出稍后的约定时间。打电话时除非你能把所有注意力都放在对方身上,否则就选择语音邮件的形式吧。


  It's never easy being the new guy. Whether you're heading into your first job out of school or your 15th, the first days at a new gig are rarely easy ones. New coworkers, a new office, and a brand new work culture all lend to the feeling that you are a stranger in an even stranger land. What's the best way to cope?


  "Go to the cafeteria, the break room and ask people to tell you stories," says Todd Hudson, founder of Maverick Institute, Portland Ore., which published the handbook, "My Personal Onboarding Plan: The New Hire's Guide to On-the-Job Success."

  俄勒冈州波特兰市马沃里克研究院(Maverick Institute)的创始人,《我的入职计划:职场新人的成功指南》("My Personal Onboarding Plan: The New Hire's Guide to On-the-Job Success.")一书作者托德?哈德逊建议是:“到自助餐厅或休息室去,让人们给你讲点故事。”

  From what these seasoned employees tell you, you'll learn who the key players are at your new office and "about extraordinary efforts, about creativity, about people protecting their customers. Your new coworkers' tales will tell you how you should act in those situations. If you hear all negative stories, it tells you one thing. If you hear positive things, that tells you something else," Hudson says.


  People love to tell these stories, he adds. "They will tell you what made the biggest impression on them, what got their juices going."


  When you start a new job, you'll probably have some type of formal orientation program, also known as onboarding. It may be nothing more than a quick introduction to policies and benefits, but some companies make an effort to offer you a taste of what kind of environment to expect.



  今夏许多毕业生将开始自己的职场生涯,正所谓万事开头难。这里,我们为您列出几项职场新人的法则,以免你们在刚开始工作时乱了阵脚(mess up)。

  Many graduates will step up to the starting line of their careers this summer.


  And your first year in work may be a crucial period, says an HR expert.


  “Forming good habits is as important as developing professional skills. The *devil is in the detail,” said Zhang Yuxia, a human resource consultant at zhaopin.


  Here we’ve listed some rules for *newbies so you won’t mess up at the very beginning.


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