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分类: 职场英语 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 03-31

阅读 :639


  Shawn: Mr. Hanson, was Ms. Graff able to allay your concern? Good. Now we have time for only two more questions. Ms. Graff?

  Shawm Mr. Hanson, Ms. Graff缓和了你的担心吗?好的,现在我们仅剩下两个问题的时间了, Ms. Graff?

  Hannah: My question is for Mr. Hanson. I was wondering whether you could expand on the section regarding product design. Am I correct in assuming that you want to offer the product in more colors?

  Hannah 我的问题是提给Mr. Hanson的,我一直很疑惑你是否可以在产品设计方面扩展一下。我假定没错的话,你想要在产品上提供更多的颜色?

  Chris: Let me see if I can shed better light on that. Although colors may not be as important to consumers, we are of the opinion that having more variety will increase sales….

  Chris 我看看能否更好地解释一下。尽管颜色对消费者不是很重要,我们的观点是更多的变化能提高销售量。。。

  Hannah: Is that the only reason?

  Hannah 这是仅有的原因吗?

  Chris: Please let me finish my thought. Another reason, which may be beyond the scope of your question, is that the increase in our costs will be small. Have I answered your question?

  Chris 请让我说完。另外一个原因,可能超出了你的问题,增加的设计的成本很小。我回答了你的问题吗?

  Shawn: Yes, certainly, Chris. You’ve made it clear for all of us. And now for our final question. Mr. Aurora?

  Shawn 是的,当然。我们都明白了。现在最后一个问题,Mr. Aurora?

  Alex: Given the growing competition, is it possible for us to drop this product and move into a different market? Can you speak to the implications this would have on our strategy?

  Alex 说道不断增长的竞争,我们可以放掉这个产品转向不同的市场吗?你说的言外之意也在我们的战略里吗?

  Shawn: We did consider that option, but we quickly dismissed it. We believe that we should stick to our core competencies and improve the product we currently have.

  Shawn 我们确实有过这想法,但很快就放弃了。我们认为我们应该坚持核心的能力提高现在有的产品。



  to allay – to make someone stop worrying about something; to make something stop being a problem


  Maggie’s worst fears were allayed when the doctor said that she didn’t have any serious medical problems.


  I was wondering... – I would like to know; I’m curious about


  I was wondering if he went to my high school because he looks very familiar.


  to expand on (something) – to provide more detail about something; to describe something in more detail or to provide more information


  Can you please expand on your reasons for believing that we need a bigger office?


  Am I correct in assuming that – Is what I’m saying correct? Do I understand you correctly?


  Since you don’t eat ice cream or cheese, am I correct in assuming that you’re allergic to milk?


  Let me see if I can shed better light on (something) – I am going to try to explain something better; I will try to help you understand something better


  Mr. Bale, I understand that you’re confused about your telephone bill. Let me see if I can shed better light on how the costs are calculated.

  Mr. Bale我理解你对你的手机账单很困惑,我想更好的让你明白这些花费是怎么计算的

  to be of the opinion that – to believe that; to think that; to have the opinion that


  We are of the opinion that families should be together during the holidays, so my brothers and sisters always travel home for Christmas.


  to finish (one’s) thought – to finish talking about something; to say everything that one thinks about something without interruption


  He was telling them about his new business, but he couldn’t finish his thought because his cell phone rang.


  beyond the scope of (something) – not related to something; off topic


  Calling customers is beyond the scope of her job, but she agreed to do it because the other department needed her help.


  certainly – definitely; without any doubt; for sure


  I certainly don’t want to make you feel bad, but this report needs a lot of work.


  given – considering; with reference to; in light of


  Given your high blood pressure, the doctor recommends eating less salt.


  is it possible – can one do something; is it feasible; would one be able to do something


  Is it possible for you to take Shelly to school today? I don’t think I’ll have time.


  to drop – to stop doing something; to leave something; to no longer use or produce something


  We dropped our home telephone service. We’ve decided to use only our cell phones for all of our calls.


  can you speak to (something) – can you talk about something; can you address something; can you give more information or detail about something


  Mr. President, can you speak to how you’re going to change science education in our country?


  implication – consequence of doing something; what will happen if one does or does not do something; what doing something will mean


  One of the implications of email is that people send fewer regular letters to each other.


  option – choice; one way to do something; possibility


  You have three options: you can register for classes online, over the phone, or in the registration office.


  to dismiss – to decide not to do something; to decide against something; to decide not to consider doing something


  Her proposal to improve the company’s services was dismissed as being too expensive.


  to stick to (something) – to continue to do or use something; to not change what one is doing


  Flying to Hawaii is too expensive. Let’s stick to our original plan to spend our vacation closer to home this year.


  core competency – something that a business is very good at doing; something that a company is known to be an expert in doing


  That company’s services are very expensive, but its core competency is quickand friendly service, so many people are willing to pay more.


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