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分类: 职场英语 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 03-26

阅读 :653



  (Office ambience)

  CH:Hi Ak. 碰上你太好了!

  A: I haven't seen you all day. Is there something on your mind?

  CH: 你还记得不久前,我们那儿来了个坐轮椅的新同事吗?

  A: Yes, and we talked about your being uncomfortable around her because you weren't sure what to do.

  CH: 现在好多了,我们已经成了好朋友。要是我什么地方做得不得体,她会直截了当地告诉我。

  A: What do you mean?

  CH: 比如说那天,我们一起聊天,她就很客气地告诉我,不应该把她的轮椅当家具,倚在上面。

  A: It soun ds as if you are handling this issue well.

  CH: 可是,有时候遇到其它handicapped的人,我还是有点儿不知所措。

  A: First of all, you shouldn't refer to those people as handicapped. That is something of an old-fashioned term that is demeaning to many.

  CH: 不说handicapped残疾人,那要怎么说呢?

  A: Refer to these employees as having a disability. It shows more respect.

  CH: 这么说是不是太笼统了?别人会问,是什么样的残疾。比如说,我们办公室的Mary就是个聋子。

  A: If someone asks you what kind of disability, your response is not "She's deaf." Instead you say, "She has a hearing impairment or a hearing problem.

  CH: 听力有障碍?那不就是聋子嘛!这不是一回事吗?

  A: I'll explain it tomorrow. I have to meet some friends for dinner now.

  C: 那好,明天见。



  CH: Hi Ak, 昨天你说,不应该说Mary聋子,应该说Mary听力有缺陷。这是为什么?

  A: Because then you are describing her by her disability. If she had a disease, you wouldn't identify her by that. For example, if she had measles, you wouldn't say, "She's measles."

  CH: 这倒也是。那除了耳朵聋要说听力有缺陷,其它身体残碍是不是也不能直说呢?

  A: Nowadays, you wouldn't say that a person is blind today. You would use the term visually impaired to describe the person.

  CH: 不说盲人,要说视力有缺陷。要是瘸子呢?

  A: Just say that he has a disability.

  CH: 看来,在这方面,我还真得注意,否则一不小心就会冒犯别人。Ak, 你能再重复一下吗?

  A: Sure. We say visually-impaired, not blind. It's hearing-impaired, and not deaf. Use person with a disability rather than crippled, and person who uses a wheelchair, rather than wheelchair bound.

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