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  随着因特网和电子邮件在商务领域中的普及应用,电子邮件礼仪已经成为商务礼仪的一部分,并且对于客户关系成败的影响日益显着。如何写好一封商务电子邮件呢?Brody Communications Ltd.的总裁Marjorie Brody在其撰写的文章中提出以下建议:

  1) 注意措辞:你也许认为自己的邮件浅显易懂,但是有时侯却遭到误解。简单明了的邮件可以使你节省打电话发传真澄清邮件意义的时间。

  2) 不要“惹火”收件人:如果使用含有敌意的词句或者批评的语气(电邮礼仪中称之为“火焰”),你会“惹火”对方并且造成糟糕的局面。电子邮件不是大家“笔伐”的工具,如果有问题,与对方当面解决。

  3) 提前通知收件人:尽量在发邮件以前得到对方的允许或者至少让他知道有邮件过来;确认你的邮件对他有价值。没有人会喜欢垃圾邮件。收件人对于满篇废话的不速之“件”的态度通常是作为垃圾邮件处理一删了之。

  4) 不要发送私人或者机密邮件:即使你选择“永久删除”,许多软件和网络服务仍然可以访问硬盘上备份的信息。在你发送以前,仔细考虑如果别人(比如老板)看到这封信会发生什么情况。你当然不想老板看到你的私人邮件或者冒着泄露客户机密的风险发送机密邮件。

  5) 小心使用附件功能:附件越大,下载时间就越长,占用收件人电脑空间就越多。有些附件可能毫无必要,也许收件人已经有了。传真或者邮寄那些冗长的附件。

  6) 小心使用抄送功能:你也许会把自己的邮件象备忘录一样抄送给其他同事或者客户。不要滥用抄送功能,否则收件人会以处理垃圾邮件的方式一删了之。




  最好不要全用大写来写email. DON’T USE UPPERCASE. People don’t want to feel like you’re shouting at them, and on the internet, uppercase is the equivalent of yelling. 但全用小写一般是不正式的,like chatting with your friends. 虽然Email本身就是不正式的,but that doesn’t mean you can ignore appropriate etiquettes.

  Use clear subject lines. People are extremely busy. By being able to scan the subject lines, it tells them what is important and needs to be addressed first. 使用明确的主题。人们很忙,通过看主题,告诉他们什么是重要的,需要首先处理。

  Keeping your emails short also helps with this. People don’t have time to read something that is pages long. Keep it to just a couple of paragraphs at most. 保持邮件内容简短也有助于这一点。因为人们没有时间看长篇大论。要让内容最多保持在几段之内。

  We know that everyone is busy and that you don’t have a lot of time, but if your email is full of mistakes, it will make you look unprofessional to someone that you want to do business with. So just take a couple seconds to skim over everything you’ve written to see if that’s what you want to say. Also, when you rush, people have been known to forget the attachment. It may sound silly but there have been a number of times that people have sent me things that said “it’s all explained in the attachment”when there was no attachment.

  我们知道每个人都很忙,没有时间,但是如果邮件中都是错误,这会让你在和你做生意的人眼里看来很不专业,所以应该花片刻时间扫一眼写过的内容是否是你要表达的。而且在匆忙之中,你经常出现忘记附件的情况,听上去愚蠢,但是很多时候人们的邮件中称 “附件中有详细解释”,可是没有附件。

  所以,在你送出email之前,check if there are mistakes such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice. If your email is sloppy, you will be perceived as sloppy and disrespectful to the recipients. 一旦email发出去以后,你就没法收回了。发现错误后,最好的办法就是纠正错误,再重新发一次。你应该在subject line里写: corrected version with attachment included.

  总之,Before you hit the send button, check your spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice.Sloppiness gives people a bad impression and is disrespectful to others. When mistakes are found, correct them and resend the email. Typing in all capital letters seems that you are shouting, but typing in all lower keys are like chatting with your friends.

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