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商务英语:求职应聘 新人报到

分类: 职场英语 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 01-05

阅读 :743

  1) 典型用法:投了简历,但是还没得到回音。

  I have sent out my resume, but haven’t heard from them yet.



  A: How is your job search going?

  B: Not looking good. I sent out my resume, but haven’t heardfrom yet.

  A: Be patient. You’ll eventually find a job you like.

  A: 工作找得如何了呢?

  B: 看起来不乐观。我简历寄出了,但还没得到他们的回音。

  A: 耐心点,你终究会找到你喜欢的工作的。

  2) 典型用法:用来表示更新简历。

  I need to update my CV.


  CV 源自拉丁文curriculum vitae,意义等同resume。


  A: I need to update my CV.

  B: Why?

  A: I have accumulated more work experiences over the pasttwo years. I need to show my latest development in my CV, if I want to find abetter job.

  A: 我需要更新我的简历。

  B: 为何?

  A: 我过去两年有积累了更多的工作经验。如果我想找到更好的工作,我需要在我的简历中体现我最新的发展。

  3) 典型用法:询问对方找工作的情况。

  How is you job-hunt going?



  A: How is your job-hunt going?

  B: It’s going well, thanks. Actually, a few companies havealready got in touch with me to arrange for an interview.

  A: Congrats! (Congratulations的口语表达)

  A: 你工作找得如何呢?

  B: 还不错,谢谢。事实上,已经有一些公司联系我,要安排面试了。

  A: 恭喜。

  4) 典型用法:表示给别人投简历。

  I will have my CV delivered to you in 30 minutes’ time.


  I will deliver my CV to you in 30 minutes’ time.



  A: Can I have a hard-copy of your CV?

  B: Sure, I will print out my CV and have it delivered toyou in 45 minutes’ time. (in an hour’s time/in two hours’ time…)

  A: 我可以有一份你纸质的简历吗?

  B: 当然可以,我打印出来,请人在45分钟内送给您。(一小时内/两小时内)。

  5) 典型用法:以附件的形式发简历到邮箱。

  Attached please find my CV with copies of my credentials.



  A: Attached please find my CV with copies of mycredentials.

  B: Great, I’ll try and read them and get back to you assoon as I can.

  A: 附件中谨附上我的简历以及我的证明复印件。

  B: 太好了,我会看,并尽快答复你。

  6) 典型用法:说明以何种方式发送简历。

  I have sent my CV to you by email/post.



  A: I have not received your CV yet.

  B: Really? I am so sorry, but I have just sent my CV to youby post. Please let me try and email you a copy of my CV.

  A: 我还没收到你的简历。。

  B: 真的吗?我很抱歉,但我已经邮寄给您我的简历了。请让我通过邮箱发给您一份我的简历。

  7) 典型用法:请求对方考虑并表示感谢。

  I would be most grateful if you could please consider myapplication and I look forward to your reply.



  A: I have received your application already.

  B: I would be most grateful if you could please consider myapplication and I look forward to your reply.

  A: 我已经收到你的申请了。

  B: 若您能考虑我的申请,我万分感谢,并且期待您的回音。

  8) 典型用法:要求你出具推荐函。

  You need to furnish 3 recommendation letters before webegin to process your application.



  A: You need to furnish 3 recommendation letters before webegin to process your application.

  B: Three referees will email you their recommendations toyou tomorrow.

  A: 在我们处理你的申请前,你需要出具3封推荐信。

  B: 三个推荐人明天会将推荐信发到您邮箱。

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