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分类: 面试技巧 职场词典 编辑 : 职场知识 发布 : 03-27

阅读 :395

  1. Answer structure


  Provide salary scale which is acceptable for you. Or answer that: I’d like to have the salary which matches my ability. Yet I’d also like to know the salary scale for this position.


  Then explain that you will give the more specific number if you know work details.


  2. Answer tips


   In any case, you should not answer this question right away because the salary you recommend can be too high or too low.


   Before answering, ask for description for the job; the goals, the difficulties and how to assess the working performance.


   You can also give the answer via email after the interview.


   Do not answer this question too generally or too safe, the interviewers like numbers. You can answer in a certain range, but you need the job requirements before giving the exact number.


  3. Answer samples


  1. I don’t care very much about salary. What means more to me is the policy and working environment the company is offering and supplying me with.

  1. 我对工资并不是太看重。对我来讲,公司制度和工作环境更重要。

  2. I look up to salary not to make ends meet, but to enjoy my life. I’m afraid I am not the one who only concerns about paying bills but not others. Therefore, when I look for a job, I expect a high consideration which suits my ability and goals.

  2. 我希望自己的收入和支出不是刚好相抵,生活要舒适。而且,我不是一个只关心各种花销账单而不关心其他事情的人。因此,找工作的时候,我希望更多考虑的是自己的能力以及目标。


  Alternative and related questions:


  Are you a team player?


  In what ways are you a team player?


  Do you prefer working on your own or as part of a team?


  How would you define teamwork?


  Can you tell me about a team you worked in and the role you played within that team?


  What do you think makes a perfect team?


  The meaning behind the question:


  Teamwork is essential in almost any work environment. Questioning your ability to work in a team is therefore one of an interviewer’s favourites. They’ll be looking for evidence of a number of core abilities:


   The ability to communicate effectively with others


   The ability to recognise and understand the viewpoints of others


   The ability to appreciate the contribution you are expected to make


  Your answer:


  This is a very important and very popular question which could be phrased in many different ways. As well as pre-preparing your answer to, “Are you a team player”, you should also draft answers to all the alternative questions I’ve listed above. There will be common ground between your answers but each will have a slightly different slant to it.


  You could answer the question in the context of your current job but you’d be better off approaching it from the angle of the job for which you are applying. They’re asking you in what ways you are a team player but you need to be asking yourself in what ways will they want you to be a team player. Are they looking for a leader? Are they looking for someone who brings out the best in others? Are they looking for the person who generates the ideas or the person who is a dab hand at putting new ideas into practice?


  Establish in your own mind what sort of a team player they want you to be and then deliver an answer which caters to that image.




  I certainly very much enjoy working with others; I’m outgoing, I enjoy the team spirit and I’m understanding of the needs of others. I’m good at helping the team to see the bigger picture to see the wood from the trees helping them to focus on what really matters rather than getting bogged down in irrelevant detail. I’m also good at helping the team to spot flaws in our approach and potential problems and pitfalls. I believe I have strong communication skills and, while I don’t yet have experience in a leadership role, I do have a talent for liaising between different team members and resolving any disputes which may arise. Conflict between different team members is rarely very productive and is normally best avoided.



  Alex Malley FCPA is the chief executive of CPA Australia and the host of the Nine Network television series The Bottom Line. Alex is also a regular contributor to The Huffington Post .

  Alex Malley FCPA是澳大利亚CPA公司主管,NIne Network电视节目The Bollom Line节目主持人。他还是Huffington 邮报撰稿人。

  What I have learned, after years of experience interviewing people at all levels and walks of life, is that interviewing a job applicant is not dissimilar to interviewing aprospective house mate. You are going to spend a lot of time under the same roof as this person. Accordingly, you need a confidence that they will fit in with the other house mates, that they are all they seem to be, and they are there to make an enduring commitment.


  To help me with this, there are six characteristics in a conversation with a job applicant I mentally tick-off in order to identify the right person for the job. These tips can be useful for both the interviewer and interviewee.


  1. Are they interesting?

  1. 他们有趣吗?

  My test for this is not about the depth of a person’s ability, but the breadth of their curiosity in life. Do they have genuine outside interests? Do they have friendships spanning different lines and backgrounds?


  I have often found people are more interesting than they project themselves to be. As a chief executive or interviewer, I should not have to work hard at finding out what makes you interesting. An applicant that leaves me wanting to know more about them gets a big tick in my book.


  2. A holistic perspective

  2. 全局观念

  One of my great frustrations as a chief executive is people that think solely about the department or section they work in, rather than at the very least showing an interest and appreciation for all departments and how the business in total comes together.


  So, when it comes to a job candidate, I look for their intuitive interest in the whole of the business above and beyond the role they are applying for.


  3. Passion

  3. 热情

  It does not matter what the passion, but it is a shut door for me if I do not recognise the applicant’s emotional connection to something or someone in their life.


  Without passion, people simply exist, they don’t live: selfishly I want to live with people, not merely exist with them.


  4. Open about their mistakes

  4. 坦诚错误

  The only way I have learnt anything in my career is from the mistakes I have made. In some ways, I am proud of them, but even more so, that I have learnt from them. So anyone who in a good, healthy and open conversation claims to being mistake-free, I would prefer it if they went and worked for a soul.


  5. Opinionated

  5. 有主见。

  Admittedly, I am not an avid reader, but I am highly aware of the issues going on in my country and the world. What I expect from an interviewee is a natural and comfortable perspective on significant issues relevant, or not, to our business.


  6. Leadership

  6. 领导才能

  I look for someone who can tell me a story about a vision they have set, and their journey to achieving it. And, most importantly, I want them to clearly articulate how they mobilised people to achieve those outcomes. These sorts of leadership qualities are something I look for in applicants - at all levels.



  What is more important to you: the money or the work?


  Money is always important, but the work you perform is the most important. Every employee who has quit a job in frustration knows the importance of enjoying their line of work. Let’s face it, there are a few positions that you wouldn’t do no matter the salary.


  WORST ANSWER: This question may be posed to you in different ways, at different times in the interview. The interviewer knows what he’s doing: he’s looking for inconsistent answers on your part to determine if you’ve been coached . The worst thing you could do is answer differently than you did before. At that point, your consistency comes into question and the one thing that’s valued across all cultures is consistency.


  BEST ANSWER: The best answer is to put things into perspective. Money IS important ― highly important ― after all, no one works for free, but enjoying your work, your co-workers, and boss rank higher. We all know people, perhaps you’ve been in this same circumstance, who were highly paid but despised their job.


  Example: “My honest answer is that it depends on the money and the work. Obviously there are positions I wouldn’t do no matter the pay, but others I would consider on a volunteer basis. In reality, though, I don’t think a strong compensation package and enjoyable work are mutually exclusive. My desire is to work in a field that offers me not only the challenge of growth and personal development, but professional development as well. Based on what I’ve learned about this open position at your company, I believe I’m an ideal fit.”



  What do you know about our organization?


  1. Answer structure

  1. 回答结构

   Give 2 3 pieces of information you know about the company, which are appeal to customers and candidates.


   Give out your skills, abilities, experiences and knowledge which can be suitable and developed.


   Ask questions about the company, such as advantages compared to the opponent firms; career development opportunity, company’s ability to expand etc.


  2. Answer tips


  Some contents you can mention include: products and services, sales compared in the industry, brand, management, history and culture of the company.


  Show your knowledge but do not prove that you know everything. Give the information to show your recent learning efforts.


  Do not give personal comments such as: I think the CEO is well-known for dressing fashionably; or the boss of the company is a powerful person….


  Include active information about your research; Don’t be passive, for example: The receptionist said that the company is well-known for…


  3. Answer samples


  I think your company is the best in IT industry. It provides a perfect working environment for employees, thanks to which, it may maintain a very good service in IT industry.



  How would your friends or coworkers describe you?


  Sample 1.


  Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith Company, always said I was the hardest workers she had ever known. It is as powerful as Jill having said it at the interview herself.

  准备好同事对自己一句或两句的评价。一句特殊的评论或转述会对面试非常有帮助。Jill Clark 是Smith公司的工作人员,总是说:“我的同事说我是她见过的工作最努力的人。”Jill在面试时转述这样的评论是会对面试非常有帮助的。

  Sample 2


  My co-workers always admit that I am good team player by providing suitable advices at the right time. They also add that I have a balance between good stress and bad stress.


  Sample 3


  I am a highly respected professional amongst my co-workers and client group, a team player, humourous can turn the worst scenario into a fun learning session, dedicated, organized and efficient and trusted individual.


  Sample 4


  Both my friends and coworkers would say that I’m reliable, because of the fact that I’m the one that everyone calls. Whenever any of my friends have a problem I’m the friend they know will give them an honest answer, or be there to help them with whatever needs to be done.


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