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Interviewing is a skill that can be learned and the key lies in the three Ps of planning, practice and preparation. Find out as much about as you can about the company; look at the organisation’s website and, if possible, talk to people who already work there.面试是很具技巧性的,而这技巧,就三个“做“字”,做计划,做练习和做准备。要尽可能多的找到公司相关信息,浏览企业网站,如果有可能的话,和公司员工学习点经验也是很不错的主意。
The chemistry between you and interviewer is important so project a positive attitude. Smile from time to time and ask intelligent questions. Maintain eye contact, use the interviewer’s name occasionally and try to establish a common ground.你和面试官之间的“化学反应”很重要,所以一定要呈现一个积极的态度。一直保持微笑,问些机敏的问题,注意眼神交流,时不时称呼一下面试官的名字,这样可以拉近距离,并尽力建立双方一致,相似共通的境地。
However despite all this good advice there may come a time in the interview when you are totally thrown by an unexpectedly difficult question.不过呢,面试也不会一直处在这种和谐的状态下,会有那么一会,你会被置于问题尖锐,气氛紧张的环境中。
When this happens, don’t panic and start to babble nonsense. Ask the interviewer to explain what he or she means. Breathe out to relieve the tension and breathe in slowly.当这种情况发生的时候,不要慌张,也不要支支吾吾,无心作答。请面试官解释一下他到底意在何方,想问什么。然后深呼吸,缓解心中的紧张感。
Here are some seemingly innocent questions that often prove difficult:下面是一些看似简单无意,事实暗藏杀机的问题:
Question:“Tell me about yourself”问:“讲讲你自己。”
This is an opportunity for you to talk about your personal characteristics and skills. Remember to remain relevant and to stress achievements that translate into strengths you would bring to the job这是一个称述你个人特色和能力的大好时机。记住要始终和此工作相关,着重强调你以前的工作业绩,并将它们巧妙转化为你能为这家公司带来的利益。
Question:“What books or magazines do you read?”问:“你平时都读些什么书或者杂志?”
The books you read tell the interviewer something about your personality. Mentioning a relevant journal would be a good idea, saying you don’t like to read would be a bad idea!你读的书和杂志可以透露出你的个人特征。被问到这个问题的时候,你可以讲讲你读过的和行业相关的一些杂志。如果你回答你不喜欢读书看报……没有人会聘用不爱读书的人吧。
Question: “Why do you want to work for us?”问:“你为什么想要为我们工作?”
This is an opportunity for you to show off all the research you have done into the company回答这个问题的时候,你就可以把你搜索到的关于此公司的有用信息都讲述出来了。
Question: “Where do you plan to be in five years time?”问:“5年之后你计划会在怎样的职位上?”
Another opportunity to show you know the company structure. Many people answer “management” but there are other avenues of career advancement your research should have turned up; staff engineer, consultant etc又到了展示你对公司的深入了解的时候了。许多人会回答“管理层”,但是其实还有很多回答,这就看你之前做的准备工作怎么样了,公司也许也会需要工程师,顾问等等重要人才。
Question:“What are your strengths and weaknesses?”问:“你的强项和弱势分别是什么?”
Talk about relevant strengths for the job and irrelevant weaknesses. If you can, mention a personal weakness that could be seen as a professional strength; I’m a workaholic! (though avoid being seen as insincere)回答这个问题的重点是讲述,和工作相关的优点,和工作无关的缺点。如果可以的话,你可以讲一个个人角度的弱点,而在工作角度上看却是优点,例如,我是一个工作狂!(注意不要在说这句话的时候让人听着假)
Question:“What were your favourite subjects in school and why?”问:“你在学校里最喜欢的课程是什么?为什么?”
Mention anything that shows an interest in the employer’s kind of work. Bring up any interesting or unusual projects in that area你提及的课程,最好是和面试工作相关的课程。提到一些该领域的有趣点和令人眼前一亮的项目。
Question: “What do you like to do in your spare time?"问:“你空余时间喜欢干什么?”
It’s good to have strong outside interests and if they are pastimes that would be an asset to the job, so much the better有专门的爱好是很好的,如果这种消遣方式能给工作也带来好处,就更好了。
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